I’m attending PantheaCon at the Double Tree Hotel in San Jose, California this weekend. I’m one of Llewellyn’s authors for this weekend and they’ll be giving away a few books for attendees during their New Books Release Party. I’ll be on hand to sign these copies, even. I’m also presenting a class on using tarot for transformation in the Llewellyn Suite on Sunday. This class contains information for Tarot Inspired Life. I’ll be using the hashtag #pantheacon2019 as much as I remember.
For a complete listing of where and when I’ll be, refer to this list:
Events in the Llewellyn Suite, Room 1057
Saturday 8–11pm: New Books Release Party
This year we’ll be drawing a new book winner every ten minutes! We’re celebrating THE LITTLE BOOK OF CAT MAGIC (Deborah Blake), TAROT INSPIRED LIFE (Jaymi Elford), FORBIDDEN MYSTERIES OF FAERY WITCHCRAFT (Storm Faerywolf), TRANSFORMATIVE WITCHCRAFT (Jason Mankey), CARL LLEWELLYN WESCHCKE (Melanie Marquis), ELEMENTS OF MAGIC (Jane Meredith), SHAMANIC QABALAH (Daniel Moler: Words, Images, Esoterics), CROSSROADS OF CONJURE (Katrina Rasbold), and WEAVE THE LIMINAL (Laura Tempest Zakroff). Meet the authors, get your books signed!
Sunday, 3:30-4:15pm: Tarot for Transformation
Tarot is a wonderful tool for manifesting the life we want. In this workshop, Jaymi takes you through a step-by-step workshop to manifest your goals. Bring a tarot deck, your bucket list, and the willingness to share your ideas with others!
Sunday, 9:00pm-10:00pm: Tarot Visions Live Podcast Recording in the Divination Suite (room TBD)
Rose Red and I will do a live taping of our cartomantic podcast, Tarot Visions. Come fill the room and bring your questions and oracular news for us to share!
This con is followed by the NorthWest Tarot Symposium from March 1-4th in Portland, Oregon. There’s still time to register online! Registration closes on Feb 24th, and then you’ll have to get tickets at the door. I’ll post my schedule next week!