Today I want to share with you another disc-bound tarot journal. This one differs from my disc-bound Tarot PDA because it’s smaller, slimmer, and it’s portable. So it fits into my backpack. If we’ve met at BATS or NWTS, you’ve seen me use this.
While the Tarot PDA variety is US Letter sized, the portable journal is a digest (half-sized) variant. From the outside it looks more like a planner. But on the inside, it’s another tool for me to track my tarot experiences. This disc-bound notebook has black leather covers from Staples Arc system (so it also has inner pockets and a penloop), and I’ve bound it with platinum colored discs from Levenger. I think it gives gives the book a more spooky and ethereal look. I also fill the grey tabs with stickers from tarot products I’ve purchased.
On the inside, I have a small business card pocket which holds cards I get from others while at conferences. Or fun things like the fish divination toy.
The journal is broken up in the following sections:
Business Items
Inner Compass Tarot is my business. I keep check lists, and notes on new posts, product offerings, etc here. Sometimes it’s better to do a brain dump using a paper and pen (I also use my smart phone Notes app and Voice Recorder, but I like flexibility).

This contains readings I’ve received from others during classes I take or at conferences. Sometimes it details reading styles I want to discuss on my sites. When the reading is over and I return home, I transfer the reading to the archive notebook and my Scrivener Tarot PDA.
Inside page of my Tarot Journal
Group Study
I like to take lots of tarot classes. This section contains notes from the various classes I take. I’ll write the name of the class and the date so I don’t forget. Like the previous section, I transfer the notes here to the primary Scrivener Tarot PDA for electronic searching.
Class Ideas
I’m constantly thinking about innovative ways to teach tarot. As such, I keep pages with ideas for new techniques, or ways to teach others how to use their cards. Not everything from here may work out, but it gives me space to learn and grow as an instructor. Classes get developed on my Mac, and these pages go into the archival binder when I’m finished with them.
I love keeping a list of quotes. I’ve come across a lot of good ones from books, sites, or instructors. I keep them in the back of this journal and then save them elsewhere.

File Pocket and Spare Sheets
Just like my disc-bound Tarot PDA, I keep a junior-sized pocket to store handouts or other loose items I want to keep when I’m out and about. I also add in loads of spare to-do list and lined sheets just in case the sections I’m working in run out. I really don’t like not being able to keep writing when I want to.
Intrigued to create your own disc-bound system? You can find junior (half-letter sized) supplies at Levenger, Staples, and Office Max/Office Depot. Once again, I totally suggest you get a disc-bound paper punch to make and print your own worksheets. It really does make your work personalized.
Have you tried the disc-bound system? Share your creations with me, I’d love to see what you made!